VoodooSoft’s uitgegeven door de Amerikaanse VoodooShield, werkt anders dan de gebruikelijke virusscanners. Door gebruik te maken van white-lists, is de veiligheid meer te controleren en te waarborgen. De door op AI-gebaseerde detectie beschermt computersystemen tegen elke soort walware. De applicatie kan naast de normale antivirusprogramma worden gebruikt.
PC Magazine rating
Suppose you have a PC that’s guaranteed clean and malware-free. You could keep it pristine by simply preventing any new programs from launching. You wouldn’t need traditional antivirus protection at all! But you also wouldn’t be able to update your applications, or install new programs. That sort of extreme whitelisting is just too rigid. VoodooSoft’s VoodooShield takes a softer approach. By default, it blocks new unknown programs only when your system is at risk. New for version 3.0, VoodooShield adds AI-based detection of malware, but you should still use it in conjunction with a more traditional antivirus.
Waarom VoodooSoft VoodooShield?
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